Tubi 60 - America's newest resident!

If you're like most of our fans who discovered Tubi in Israel and carried bottle after bottle back home in your suitcase, only to carefully dole out sips to your friends to introduce them to the most interesting spirit you've ever tried...and then ran out and had no idea what to do, you're in luck!  It's been a long journey to get all of the ducks in a row to get Tubi to the US but now it is here!  (it's not easy to move booze from one country to another, turns out!)  We launched in Austin, TX in February and are now on the shelves all around town at all Spec's Wine and Spirits, several independent retailers, and a bunch of bars!  Now you can walk into a bar in America, and order that Tubi you've been craving!  See our Where to Buy tab to check out all the locations you can grab a Tubi!